An Artist in Residence position in Thornden Woods with the Kent Wildlife Trust. The project was entered for the Canterbury Cultural Awards and was a finalist in two categories: The community Award and the Environmental Landscape Award

Monday, 23 May 2011

The Updated updated map

So here is the latest version of the trail map, which probably looks no different to the last one, but a tweek here and an adjustmant there, I think I might have even needed to move a tree at one point or a couple of red dots.

trail map showing features along the route
Canturbury City Council are hosting a networking event on the trail this Thurs 26th May. Things have started but most of it is not in place yet but I am looking forward to meeting friends and collegues talking about what will be installed while walking round. Other developments include possible sculptures with students from Christ Church University.

I have drawn up some initial ideas for two totem poles which will form the entrance feature showing animals that visitors will be likely to see. I have to say designing totem poles was a little harder than I anticipated. One pole had animals all with the same shaped ears and it was'nt working.


May Sticks. 'Living in fear of Arson',
a song title by Michele Shocked, which is true to say during this month in the woods, with large areas looking like scenes from sci fi movies