
Saturday 27 August 2011

Totem Poles in the Paper

It is always nice to see what you've done in the paper, my friends and relatives certainly have and contacted me to tell me. These poles have been in a a few weeks now and I can see the freshly cut wood just starting to change colour. I guess they will eventually turn a silver grey colour.

right to left: Kathryn Barton, Rob Turner, Roger Day and a yellow telehandler

In the kitchen yesterday, my youngest daughter shouted 'whats that bird on the garden fence'? We all looked round to see what we think was probably either a Goshawk or more likely to have been a sparrow hawk fly off across the back gardens of our neighbours. Coincidence as the I never seen any thing like that in my garden ever before, yet a couple of weeks after the totem poles went in. A sparrow hawk is the basis for the bird of prey on the top of one. The joke at the time when carving it was that I should paint it black, as it has a swept back appearence resembling a stealth bomber.

bird of prey based on a sparrow hawk

There will be other features installed along the Wildart Trail over the next few months or so. 

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