
Trailblaze Open Day

Yesterday saw the Wildart Trail officially opened by the Mayor. In the morning there was the opportunity for working partners, funders and Wildlife Trust volunteers to walk round the trail, most of them for the first time. In the afternoon it was opened more as a family event. A small nature trail was set out, one of the insect homes needed filling with sticks and the woodland workshop had demonstrations of basket weaving, wood cutting and splitting techniques. Various tools and eqipment were on show and I saw small children counting tree rings.
The Lord Mayor of Canterbury for 2011/12 is Councillor Ian Thomas

The tour giude for the event was Kathryn Barton from KWT

its nearly seven feet tall can you see it?

the woodland workshop 'here's one I made earlier'

'I washed these tree trunks clean especially for this event'!

 My favourite one: John of Soverign Forestry, very gratefull for his services
His company installed all the major pieces involving heavy lifting and
 plant machinery 'this b****y one is the one you said was going to be 
 easy, it took most of the day, the totem poles were easy'.

did'nt you recognise me wearing this high viz vest