
Wednesday 26 January 2011

Completion of Insect Homes

We at the Hospital have now completed our bird boxes and the insect homes. As you can imagine there are many rules and regulations about photos, insurance, and placement of these finished works, and the facilities dept will finish the project for us.

But just talking to the staff there in that kind of informal feedback way of conversation while your working, it is apparent that the insect homes have been on display all over the Xmas and new year period. Several people from other organisations have commented on them and thought they were for sale. A kind of cottage industry insect homes supplier.

No this is a one off, but there has obviously been conversations about woodworking with similar organisations.

There were meant to be 5 bird boxes but I think one got used as a Xmas present!

So my it's my opportunity now to formally thank the staff at St. Martins for their generous help and support we would not have done this without it.

Staff showing the camera one of 5 completed bird boxes with relief designs carved into the wood.

Designed for  Bees living in the luxury loft apartments in bamboo canes
wood construction housing for the general insect population living on ground level apartments
Life style options for insects  preferring to live in the soil filled end 2 storey houses with painted windows
all properties have panoramic views of the hospital grounds.
The properties are very well aspected in this prestigious Canterbury location with Canterbury Golf Course minutes flying distance. Similar distances to good large open areas and playing  fields. 
Close by schools include:
Chaucer Technology Collage
Barton Court Grammar School
Canterbury Collage and the University Collage of Art and Design
Pilgrims Way Primary School

Making these ideal family homes for all insects provided completely free using resources from several charities. 
 Photos of the project are scarce but we did take several of the insect homes outside in the hospital grounds.

Completed insect homes in the hospital grounds 

projecting human characteristics onto the animal world
insects living in a Georgian Terrace!

Friday 21 January 2011

Advertising School Workshops

Flier asking for schools participation

We can design motifs which act as a list of all the types of wildlife seen on a school visit to the Woodland.
Or a class can research species in more depth as a classroom based exercise. The overall idea is that each class's research, either class based or 'in the field' is recorded on a tree trunk using motif style designs. These tree trunks will act as a kind of inventory of wildlife found in West Blean.


Wednesday 5 January 2011

Map Making

I really enjoyed drawing a map showing all the different features which could be created along what has become known as the wheelchair path. Each place coloured red indicates something to look at or engage with.

A map showing ideas for a woodland trail. I never fully realised how much
information and endeavour could be contained in a little diagram?

Accompanied with this map is a visual document showing drawings and  photos indicating what things may look like and a task list with an estimate of how long they may take to make and how much they may cost. It might be a report but one with lots of pictures! I expect new ideas will be put in and some taken out. But the document should make things clear for further fund raising.

I have uploaded a few drawings showing some of the suggested features.

An entrance feature using two pine trees which have grown with naturally curved trunks

seating with  engravings showing whats in the woods along the edges

A maze created by weaving together shoots growing from willow tree stumps.